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Nigerian Actress Doris Simeon Finds Pride in Hustling in America



Nigerian Actress Doris Simeon Finds Pride in Hustling in America

Doris Simeon, a Yoruba Nollywood actress, has opened up about her journey in the United States, where she has embraced menial jobs to survive and provide for her family.

Doris Simeon

In a recent interview with Kunle Afod, Doris Simeon shared her inspiring story of resilience and determination.

After relocating to the US in 2018 to care for her son who lives with his father, She faced the daunting challenge of starting anew. Despite missing her homeland, friends, and family, she bravely confronted the harsh realities of her new life. “Only the tough will last” in the US, she emphasized, where paying bills is a constant struggle.

Doris Simeon has worked various jobs, including delivery person, personal shopper, hairdresser, and currently, a social worker for the government.

She expressed her gratitude for the opportunities, stating, “I have lost count of the number of jobs I have done here… I won’t reject gifts, but I won’t make a noise about my private life either.”

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